In-Balance Therapeutic Massage Relaxtion Center for Healing, Massages, Guided Meditations, Reiki, Metaphysics Classes , Self Mastery Development Course and Coaching
               In-Balance Therapeutic Massage          Relaxtion Center for                       Healing, Massages, Guided Meditations, Reiki,    Metaphysics Classes , Self Mastery Development Course and Coaching

Ask Me A Quesiton?????

We offer consultant services at no cost, just ask us! tell us what your expirencing and we can help guide you to what you need in care!


We have a advance knowledge and can help you with anything to how to change postions to add comfort, to what might be the issue when expirence pain.  Let us help you?

 Send me a message this is my number 701-492-3003,  I personaly will answer by text Please keep the hours after 8 am and before 5pm   Please  tell me your name , so i can reply. Thank you!

Stephanie Ramsey
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©1997-2025 In-Balance Therapeutic Massage. All rights reserved. In-Balance Therapeutic Massage is a therapy studio in Fargo, North Dakota that provides professional massage, bodywork therapy, energy work, coaching services .Comprehensive Healing and Relaxation and Meditation. Personalized Massage Therapy assessments treatments for each client. A stress free environment that invites you to just let go of all that bothers you.

