In-Balance Therapeutic Massage Healing Center * Massages * Reiki *Guided Meditations *Metaphysic Classes * Self Mastery Academy * Life & Spiritual Coaching * Reiki Certificaton Program
              In-Balance Therapeutic Massage  Healing Center  * Massages  *  Reiki *Guided Meditations *Metaphysic Classes  * Self Mastery Academy * Life & Spiritual Coaching  * Reiki Certificaton Program

In-Balance Therapeutic Massage

4553 9th Ave SW, Suite 3, Fargo, ND 58103

Call or text: (701) 492-3003



We are home of  Aligned Self Mastery Academy and Innersourceology

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In-Balance Therapeutic Massage
4553 9th Ave SW, Suite 3, Fargo, ND 58103
(701) 492-3003

Privacy Policy: Safeguarding the privacy and personal data of our clients and visitors is of utmost importance to us. We only ask for the essential information required to provide the services or information you have requested. All such information is treated with confidentiality, and we do not share, sell, or disclose it to any external parties without your consent.
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©1997-2025 In-Balance Therapeutic Massage. All rights reserved. In-Balance Therapeutic Massage is a therapy studio in Fargo, North Dakota that provides professional massage, bodywork therapy, energy work, coaching services .Comprehensive Healing and Relaxation and Meditation. Personalized Massage Therapy assessments treatments for each client. A stress free environment that invites you to just let go of all that bothers you.

