In-Balance Therapeutic Massage Relaxtion Center for Healing, Massages, Guided Meditations, Reiki, Metaphysics Classes , Self Mastery Development Course and Coaching
               In-Balance Therapeutic Massage          Relaxtion Center for                       Healing, Massages, Guided Meditations, Reiki,    Metaphysics Classes , Self Mastery Development Course and Coaching

About Us

We are founded of the principal and abied to it.  We assit in your healing process and aid in your expansion helping you to feel great!  Govering all laws n rules that apply State and National. We honor your Mind Body and Spirit.  We work closely with other goverment agenices, docotors, chiropracors, phyical therapist and naturalpaths.  We support our community. Honor our vets.

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©1997-2025 In-Balance Therapeutic Massage. All rights reserved. In-Balance Therapeutic Massage is a therapy studio in Fargo, North Dakota that provides professional massage, bodywork therapy, energy work, coaching services .Comprehensive Healing and Relaxation and Meditation. Personalized Massage Therapy assessments treatments for each client. I stress free environment that invites you to just let go of all that bothers you.

